Login to Server Administration
Login to the Server Administration via the easyname Control Panel by clicking on [Server] in the navigation bar on the left side and then clicking on [Login] on the desired server.
Click in the left menu on the item [ROOT PASSWORD] to assign your SSH root password there.
Set root password & save & start
Enter a very secure password here. With the password you are able to completely control your server.
Therefore note our comments on the right side in the Server Administration. Then click on [set root password] .
To be on the safe side, we ask for confirmation again, click here on [YES] .
You can now start the server, click on the little button on the top right.
Connect to the server with SSH
You have started the server and assigned a password. Now log into your server via SSH as follows:
~$ ssh 185.51.xxx.xxx -l root
root@185.51.xxx.xxx's password: *************