Are you thinking about ordering web hosting with us to get your website or email service up and running? This article will guide you through the process, whether you're a new or existing customer. When placing your order, you can choose to register the web hosting with or without a domain, or even with new domains.
1. Ordering a webhosting as a new customer
Navigate to our homepage and click on the menu point [Websites & Webhosting]. Then, under the desired hosting package, click on [Order].
In the article --> How can I register an account with easyname? the registration process is described in detail.
After completing the registration process, you can then directly order the web hosting. After the account and web hosting have been activated, you can view this directly in your CloudPit account.
2. Ordering a webhosting as an existing customer
If you are already an easyname customer, you can also start the ordering process through the homepage and log in to your account there.
Please note that with a legacy Controlpanel account, you can only manage one web hosting. If you want to manage multiple web hostings within an account, you would need to switch to a CloudPit account. How this works is explained in the following article: --> How can I switch from a legacy Controlpanel account to CloudPit?
However, you can also order a new web hosting at any time from within your account. To do this, log in to your CloudPit account and switch to the [Webhosting] menu (1). Click on the [Order Webhosting] button (2) to start the ordering process.
If the ordering process is successful, you will receive an order confirmation with an order number.